Novella-style blunder
Yes, the Bad Girl series is comprised of terrible games; but the "morally reprehensible" smut (which is really T or K+ rated for anyone who actually partakes in smut) is not a contributing factor. Shallow plots, shallower characters, and shallower still "choose your own adventure" style decisions that rarely rely on substantial feeling or personality or logical deduction combined with sloppy graphics are what make these games bad. My thought is that if you are going to skip out on developing an actual RPG style dating sim and go for the novella approach, have a decently developed idea first. This repulsive garbage could only possibly be commended for its dance mini-game if such a game were of its own creation, but its nothing more than a rhythmless, completely monotonous TapTap knockoff that uses mechanics a six year old could program. The only reason I believe it deserves a star at all is because it is so absolutely awful that it is entertaining, and it entertains me still that there are women willing to pay for the extension of this app, an obvious ripoff and total waste.
If you do decide to get it, there is some (not evolved, but nonetheless) boy candy lurking around in the feces, and Im no doctor but it maynt be the best idea to eat it anyways.
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